Leadership Loneliness Resources

resources to support you:

Fast company article about CEO’s and found combat loneliness read it here

Forbes article around overcoming loneliness at work read it here

Founders Taboo, is dedicated to increasing the Awareness, Access and Affordability of support for founders mental health and wellbeing in the start-up space. Learn more about how they can help here

Psych Central article about how you can fight loneliness by focussing on your circle of influence read it here

The silent killer of loneliness read more here

Global statistics on loneliness trends read more here

Forbes article on Health effects of loneliness read more here

Read Lost Connections by Johann Hari here

Read How Loneliness Hurts and What to do about it by Vivek Murthy here

Two great podcasts here one with Johann Hari & one with Vivek Murthy - Enjoy!

Why we all need to feel connected (Johann Hari) - listen here

Put people first, the healing power of human connection (Vivek Murthy) - listen here

Personal insights: Why I need these resources in my life and work!

Read my blog post here about Is it lonely as a leader. When you are stepping into a new leadership role or if you are a start up founder, often the journey can feel quite lonely without some great support and networking

Top tips for leaders and founders to combat loneliness

  • Find a networking or leadership group outside of your organisation that can support you

  • Get 1:1 support from a coach who can help you work through your thoughts and feelings and develop strategies to support yourself

  • Make time for your social network, it can be easy to lose sight of other things in your life when things are busy at work or in your business, but know that you need to not be a leader sometimes, just be you!

  • Find a social cause or activity you can do with others at work, can you go and volunteer at a soup kitchen or charitable effort together

  • Make time to connect and share how you are feeling with your peers - I promise you are not alone and they are all probably feeling similarly alone and just the very act of sharing and connecting will reduce the feelings of loneliness.


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