organisational consulting

We understand people and cultures…


We’ll help you come up with innovative and effective ways to help you solve the leadership, team and cultural issues. No matter how big or small the problems are, we’re here to help.


We can help with all things people, culture and leadership


Consulting, advisory and design support

From a few days to multi-year purpose, culture and values programmes - Learn more about our Purpose & Culture Consulting here

executive coaching for leaders and teams

We work with leaders and exec teams both individually and as groups or teams. We diagnose what’s impacting performance, engagement and mean and use coaching and a variety of assessments to support their learning and growth

women in leadership programmes

We consult and create bespoke interventions for your women in leadership to support their development and to support you to address cultural challenges in your organisation which might be impacting their progression and succession. Our programmes create space and networks for women in leadership or emerging leadership to design their lives and careers

transformation leadership development programmes for high-potential leaders

We consult and create bespoke interventions for your high potential leaders. These are 6-12 month purpose-led, values-based developmental programmes which blend coaching, workshops, ‘heat’ experiences which help them leaders see themselves, the world and the business differently.

These programmes don’t just change your leadership, they change your life too!


things we hear our clients say about..

Leaders & Teams

  • We want our team to be more connected

  • We need our leaders to own the people agenda, it can’t be all HR’s responsibility

  • Our HR team are burned out

  • Our HR team are not business partnering enough, they are still too down in the transactions

  • We need our leaders to be more strategic, have more courage, adjust and adapt their style

  • We just need some time together to reconnect as a leadership team we haven’t seen each other for 2 years, some of us have never met in person

  • Our leaders are not role modelling our culture and values. We need more clarity and ownership on our strategic direction

  • The millennial’s and Gen Z think so differently. How do we integrate them into the team?

things we hear our clients say about


  • Employees are leaving, retention is hard. Attrition is a concern. How do we keep talent?

  • Our C-1’s are leaving, burned out not being inspiring leaders

  • We need to shift our culture to be more innovative, growth focused, creative, diverse

  • Our people are burned out and overwhelmed

  • Our organisation doesn’t quite seem fit for purpose we need to review it

  • People don’t seem to know the company’s vision and purpose and are not living our values

  • We don’t have enough women in leadership and not sure how to get the right talent

  • We need a new culture strategy & employee value proposition for the new division / start up

Our clients say…

“You help organizations to take a pause and reflect on more profound purpose and true human connection. These are two ingredients that are the most crucial ones to drive organisations to sustainable success.”



Most challenges are people challenges


We know and understand people and cultures, with many years consulting experience and listening and coaching many leaders from all over the world we’ve see most thing and can help!

Our approach is scientific and psychology based so the wellbeing and performance of your team and organisation is at the core of our focus.



LET’S talk about how we can help

Book a Discovery Call today

Please book some time with us or drop us a note at