Lifebuoy: Help A Child Reach 5 - Tree Of Life

Watch the story of Utari and her strange affection for a tree. A story of love, longing and loss.

Every year 1.7 million children under the age of 5 die of infections like diarrhea and pneumonia.

A lot of these deaths can be prevented by the simple act of washing hands with soap.

In the last 4 years Lifebuoy soap has reached 183 million people to teach them healthy hand washing habits.

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This film is based on inspiration from Indonesian folklore and is not intended as a fact-based representation of the region or its inhabitants. The purpose of the film is to dramatise Lifebuoy's efforts to Help a Child Reach 5 and to encourage people to recognise the positive effects of the simple act of washing hands with soap.

Film ini terinspirasi dari cerita rakyat Indonesia dan tidak dimaksudkan untuk merepresentasikan keseluruhan region maupun penduduk. Tujuan film ini adalah untuk menvisualisasikan usaha Lifebuoy untuk Bantu Anak Capai Usia 5 Tahun, dan untuk mengajak masyarakat mengenali manfaat positif dari cuci tangan pakai sabun."


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