The Purpose Post - January 2023

Happy New Year Everyone!

Welcome to January 2023

Here in Singapore we are just getting ready to celebrate Lunar New Year. This is first new moon on 2023, so we can keep saying Happy New Year all the way until the end of January.  

Wishing all our friends and clients abundance and prosperity for the year ahead 🍊🍊

Uncertainty is the new reality

This past couple of weeks have been a gentle easing back into work and reconnecting with my corporate and private clients.  It’s made me so happy to hear that so many people did take a really good break and switched off and are coming back refreshed (me included)

I’ve spent the pockets of the last couple of weeks slowly thinking about what I want for 2023.  I’ve never been great at setting New Years Resolutions but I do love setting intentions and choosing three words to guide me. 

I’m ready for new bigger adventures in 2023 and just have a sense we are all really going to need to change and transform even more personally and organisationally than ever before.

I loved these words from one of my teachers, they just made me feel such clarity and I thought I’d share them with you. You can read more about Paula and her work here

So, what are you going to open yourself up for this year?  

  • How are you going to focus on the future?  

  • How can you let go of what’s weighing you down on your journey and really create a different life or work dynamic for yourself?

The Purpose Circle

I’m really excited to be launching The Purpose Circle, a new offering for 2023 and the first time I’m running an open programme. 

I’ve had the absolute privilege to work with some of the finest leaders and managers all over the world during the past 23+ years. In this journey, I’ve pulled together all I’ve learned with them around how to live and lead with more purpose, meaning, conscious awareness and commitment to truly being yourself.

It’s a 3 month individual and group coaching journey for anyone wanting a bit of love, support, community and to re-assess their life and leadership and I’ve tried to make the price point accessible to those funding it themselves. 

If you look at it and you’d love to join but it doesn’t seem affordable to you right now please still get in touch with me as I have some open places I’d love to offer to you

I know what it’s like to be juggling money, life and work - it’s tough sometimes, so please still join us no matter what 💜

Much more from me in February once we get started on this year! I’m committing to dropping you a monthly Purpose Post even if it’s a few short words to say hello.

Gong Xi Fa Cai 🍊🍊 if you are celebrating this weekend, if not - please do take a quiet moment for yourself this weekend and reflect on our Journalling questions.

Please do forward, share and connect with us on social media where I post 2-3 times a week around things I’m seeing, hearing and sensing happening in life and leadership

Carla x

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Are you a transformational leader?


The Purpose Post, December 22