The Purpose Post, December 22

Welcome to the first Purpose Post of 2022!!!

It’s December already! I honestly do not know where this year as gone. It’s been a hot pot of hybrid life, back to ‘normal, travel, face to face and juggling it all!

The last purpose post was Summer ‘21 and here we are mid December ‘22. 

A LOT has happened since last year, I feel like I’ve been in a little bit of a cocoon, focusing on supporting clients, family and myself as we’ve all navigated such a lot of transitions and change. 

How has 2022 been for you?! It’s felt a bit more energizing for me to escape Singapore and also the joy of getting back to face-to-face coaching, workshops and consulting.  I love being with people in human form!

It’s been great to get back to travelling. I’ve been to the UK twice, Rwanda, Johannesburg, Kuala Lumpur and just setting off for some winter sun to Thailand.  Travelling during COVID has lost a little bit of it’s sparkle but it’s been interesting how things have eased as the year has gone on.

So much has changed this year!

It feels like we’ve been in and out of lockdowns in Singapore for much longer than the rest of the world (except China!).  Only in September were we are finally free, after 867 days of mask wearing!

When I think back to this time last year, I was planning a Christmas trip to UK with the children at the height of Omicron, our first travel in 2 years and we hadn’t left the island of Singapore for all that time. We all had to test so many times!!! 

I hope you’ve been able to escape a bit and get some adventures in this year.  We all deserve it. 

The last few months of this year I can feel the energy of exhaustion, a little bit of trepidation and fear about what does 2023 hold for many of my personal and organizational clients. 

We can’t underestimate all the turbulence we’ve all felt this year and all that is happening in our countries and on the world stage as we adjust to life living with COVID, all the wars and disruption happening all over the world and then just how we each feel as humans, parents, leaders, brothers, sisters, daughters navigated life after all the volatility and uncertainty we’ve lived through. 

It’s a lot people. 

So, I hope you get a bit of grace, space and peace this year end to be with yourself, your family and your friends and just reflect on all you’ve been through.  How far you’ve come and what you want to keep the same and maybe what you want to change in 2023

What’s been happening at The Purpose Collective HQ?

It’s been a great year really stepping into our purpose at The Purpose Collective.  Grateful for all our clients and partnerships that have supported us in 2022 and excited about what 2023 hold.

I’ve been learning how different, and sometimes difficult, it is to be a Founder this year and been having to put all my learning and teachings about leadership into practice!  We’ve been growing too and I’m so excited to have Sheela join the team.  She is an absolute gift and together, along with our partners, we’ve been developing some lovely new offerings for 2023.

One of my big intentions when I set up The Purpose Collective was to make all the work, I do with corporate clients accessible to as many people who would benefit from it. 

Our social media pages are a commitment to that, so if you haven’t found us on Linked In or Instagram please do come over and find us and you might also find some wisdom for yourself, your team, you life and your leadership

Connect on Linked In

Connect on Instagram

How can we work together?

We’ve been working hard to open the doors and let people into The Purpose Collective and make what we do easier to find. 

Most of our work is with corporate clients supporting Senior Leaders, HR and Talent teams to lead purposeful change and transformation. 

Often, we have our heads down invisibly supporting our clients on their change journeys and forget to tell people how they can work with us! 

Learn more about our Coaching offerings here

Learn more about how we support our corporate clients here

Spotlight on The Purpose Circle – 3-month Group Coaching Journey Starting Jan 28th

Please join us! I’m so excited to launch this new journey for 2023. 

I’ve designed this journey based on lots of work I do on a 1:1 level with corporate and personal coaching clients

This is going to be such a powerful and connecting group coaching journey into your purpose and values to help you review what’s meaningful for you and get you in good space for 2023!  

It’s a personal and collective experience which blends 1:1 coaching, group coaching and self-reflection to help you come back home to yourself and the life and work you most want to create. 

We’ve also been creating a gorgeous Purpose Portal and optional physical journal.  The Purpose Portal will be yours for up to 12 months to keep your journey alive

What will we cover during the journey 

  • You will have space to just breathe, take stock of how your life and work has been over the last 2 years – wow what a crazy ride it’s been for us all.

  • You will discover or amplify your values and what gives you meaning at this stage in your life and work 

  • We will look back on your life and career story to date and find the threads and the breadcrumb trails of why you are here at this time to make a difference in your life and work 

  • We will build your own personal Golden Circle - your why, how, what with an action plan for next steps 

  • Finally, to bring it all together we will create an inspiring vision board for you to get excited about what 2023 can look like for you 

To learn more about the journey please click here and we are starting on 28th January – we hope you can join us!

Happy Holidays and see you in 2023

Carla x


The Purpose Post - January 2023


Why setting boundaries is the key to strategic thinking