(Organisational) Wellbeing is not a yoga room!

April seems a long time ago already as we start to prepare for Summer holidays in our household!

I’ve finally had a moment to pause and reflect on all the insights emerging from our Wellbeing @ Work Panel, hosted by KPMG in Singapore.

I hosted a discussion with Craig Foster, Sara San-Jose. Hardeep Matharu & Matt Contuzzi entitled - Wellbeing is not a yoga room: the role of space in shaping employee wellbeing and performance

Craig, Sara, Matt & Hardeep shared their insights on the intersection of wellbeing and performance. They emphasized moving beyond mere token gestures toward genuine wellbeing initiatives.

Key topics we discussed included holistic approaches, the impact of physical space on culture and performance, and intentional design to enhance employee experiences. Here are a few key takeaways from our discussion.

What could be more important than the health and safety of your employees? We need to think more holistically about wellbeing across the physical, human and digital experience of employees at work. Bold solutions ARE necessary. There is no perfect solution so experiment with what matters most to employees and then test and learn to get feedback
— Craig Foster, Head of Real Estate, Safety & Security, Crisis Management & Resilience @ Grab Singapore

Wellbeing: A key lever in Workplace Transformation

First things first, we talked about if we are serious about transforming our workplaces, wellbeing needs to be in the driver’s seat with performance by it’s side from the start. Wellbeing then becomes the GPS guiding us through the journey of change, and everyone needs to come along for the ride together – HR, Real Estate, Technology and most importantly the CEO, Senior Leaders and People Managers.

Customization of Employee Experience is King (& Queen!)

One thing we all agreed on is gone are the days of the one-size-fits-all approach. Now, it’s all about personalising work to fit like a glove. It’s a balancing act between what makes us feel good and what gets the job done and both goals have to be met. But there is also a tension to manage, not everyone in organisations is offered the same level of flexibility and personalisations. What about the frontline staff who don’t get as much freedom to pick and choose their work experience? Is it fair to have different strokes for different folks within the same company? That’s the debate we need to have and have conversations around what is the art of possible so that everyone can have flexibility in the way that also works for delivery of goals and outcomes in their departments

We can learn about personalisation from other industries, not just cut and paste thinking from our own context.

Think about the hospitality industry and how well hotels get to know us after only a few visits. Employees want to be given the VIP treatment in the office too.

Employees desire a work experience that enhances both their efficiency and enjoyment, However, we must recognise that flexibility and wellbeing are highly individual, tailored solutions are necessary.

At the core, each organisation must aim to make each employee feel acknowledged and valued.

What’s on the Employee Wishlist?

Employees want to work slicker, not harder. We’re talking plug-and-play tech that doesn’t make you want to pull your hair out. And flexibility? It’s as personal as your Netflix recommendations.  Netflix knows us, we want our employers to know us too. We want to be able to both focus and collaborate when we are in the office and we want spaces flexible enough to do it all. (Oh and if they are instagrammable - even better!)

People Managers: The Wellbeing Whisperers

People managers, have got a critical role in this whole journey. They are the ones translating the big corporate goals into something that resonates with each individual. They must be equipped to navigate the complexities of all aspects of diversity and employee preferences to balance performance with personalised employee experiences. Each team leader becomes a team concierge both delivering on the team’s business and wellbeing goals.

Bold Experiments where we test and learn - We talked about creating cultures of innovation and continuous improvement as being essential.

Organisations must foster an environment where bold experiments are encouraged, and employee feedback is the driving force behind iterative change. Let’s let go of trying to come up with perfect solutions.

Asking the right questions, analysing of our data, insights and sentiments ensures workplace transformations remain relevant and responsive to the evolving needs of the workforce.

Then our experiments are fueled by real, honest feedback from the folks who matter most – the employees.

Transforming the workplace is a journey

This isn’t a one-and-done deal. The journey towards a wellbeing-centric workplace is a continuous learning journey, maybe it’s one that never gets completed, because it’s forever evolving and changing before we ever reach ‘the end’.

It’s about adapting, growing, and never settling for “just okay.” It is also about the workplace itself as it related to space, the same rules apply, everything needs to be flexible and adaptable.  One day the space is fitting in 100’s of people, the next day it’s back to small rooms where people can huddle and focus. It’s about creating spaces that are not only functional but also nurturing, welcoming and inspiring.

The role of leadership is pivotal in advocating for changes in the way we think about wellbeing that encompasses not just the physical but also the psychological and emotional aspects of wellbeing.

So, there you have it – a little food for thought from our wellbeing at work panel. Love to hear your stories too!

It’s about making strategic moves, personalizing the experience, empowering managers, and embracing the power of feedback. Let’s make our workplaces somewhere we all want to be, not just where we have to be, and let’s be really clear on our purpose of where we work, why and when.

Carla x

As part of our post event distillation I created this quick quiz for you to assess how your organisation is doing on its journey to putting wellbeing and performance at the heart of it’s design. This assessment is designed to broaden your perspective on overall organisational health, give you valuable insights and actionable ideas that integrate wellbeing and performance - Enjoy!


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