Welcome to 2024!

Happy New Year! I hope it’s getting off to a good start for you!

We have the gift in Singapore of being able to say Happy New Year until at least mid-February as we welcome in not just the calendar year but the Lunar New Year too in .. this year being The Year of the Dragon!

As I think about 2024 and what this year holds for me personally – words and numbers come to mind.  My numbers for 2024 are 13, 3, 8, 25, 47, 11, 14 and my words are simple, creative, stable. 

Let me talk you through my numbers…

This will be my 13th year living in Singapore..  this means I’ve celebrated a full cycle of the 12 Chinese Zodiac signs and I’m back full circle to where I started back at it being a Dragon year!

This year I will be celebrating 25 years since I graduated in 1999 and 25 years in the workforce – I am happy to celebrate 25 years of doing work I really do love and find meaningful everyday, and becoming increasingly aware that there are many generations at work now.. and I’m now the grown up!

I will turn 47 – which, connected to feeling like a grown up, also feels like I’m now in this middle ground between definitely looking older on the outside and having some great experience and wisdom to share whilst, (I hope) still be relatable and not completely out of touch with those younger than me and wanting to learn so much from everyone still.

My boys will turn 11 and 14 and I will have two children in secondary school – tween and teen hormones! This feels like a new chapter that I’m excited about. Energetically, I have more time and my sleep tank is full and ready to embark on a new phase of motherhood. I can feel my role shifting from being a hands on care taker to being a coach and listener which I think are two roles I play much better than the tired, grumpy and physically demanding phases of running around after toddlers.

It’s an 8 year for me, in two ways.  It’s an 8 year numerologically for everyone (2+0+2+4) This 8 year is all about karmic return for many people. Personally for me, it’s also 8 years since going through a divorce and major life transitions. This is the end of a seven year cycle of being on an emotional, physical, mental and financial roller coaster, clinging on for dear life. Now I’m finally ready to release it all, come out the otherside for a new adventure thats not defined by the past.

Then there is the final number 3!

3 years and Happy Birthday to The Purpose Collective. 

3 years into an entrepreneurial journey of setting up, growing and nurturing a new consulting and coaching business. 

It is not for the faint hearted, I’m still not sure I would recommend it (yet!) It’s definitely not a journey I could have done without the infinite support of my clients, family, partner, coaches, guides, friends and cheerleaders. 

Thank you all, and have some cake from me!


Every day I ask myself if am I cut out for running my own business at the same time as working in it and on it! You have to really really love what you do to work 24-7 on a new business in the early years because often two steps forward leads to 3 steps back and then another few steps forward. 

But it has been, and continues to be, THE best leadership and personal development programme that I’ve ever been on and I’m excited to see where this year takes me and The Purpose Collective!

As for for stable, creative and simple … I’m coming into 2024 with the philosophy of doing less, more deeply.

Saying no to things that scatter my energy across too many projects and saying yes to long term projects, where I know I can make a meaningful difference. 

I think for me this year that is going to involve saying more no’s than yes’s which is not something I am very good at. This year will involve investing my energy in those I love and in a few long-term clients who need my support to do big meaningful things that align with their purpose and mine!

It's a year for building deep roots and strength and stability and maybe not one for public branches and blossoms.  

Creating things for myself and my clients that stand the test of time and that can be sustained, nurtured and grown for the benefit of the larger collective!

How about 2024 for you?

  • What’s percolating, marinating, floating around in your mind that you want to give more attention to this year?

  • What might you have to say no to in order to go a bit deeper on a few things?

  • What might you say yes to that builds strong foundations for years to come?

I’d love to hear from you!


Carla x


(Organisational) Wellbeing is not a yoga room!


Feel the fear and do it anyway…