Trauma & Adverse Childhood Experiences Resources

if you’d like to explore more about adverse childhood experiences or access some support please see a list of resources and articles below:

  1. Read our article on Trauma Informed Leadership here

  2. Find a Therapist in your area click here 

  3. Or contact your Employer EAP (Employee Assistance Programme) – Most company programmes offer 6 sessions free of charge in confidence. Your employer will not have access to what you are sharing with the counsellor.

  4. If you want support on Adverse Childhood Experiences, look for a Registered Psychologist or Coach who is Trauma Informed. Don’t be afraid to ask for credentials and experience in Adverse Childhood experiences. Someone without this training or their own experience in this space may not be able to hold the deep space for you 

  5. Contact us here – We are happy to refer you or support if we feel we can help

read a bit more about ace:

Take the ACE quiz and understand what it does and doesn’t mean - click here

CDC guidance about Adverse Childhood Experiences - click here

Research about ACE - click here

How ACE and Toxic Stress are connected - click here

in singapore there are two clinics we recommend and refer to:

The Other Clinic

Alliance Counselling

Check out our library for Further reading and resources:

HBR Article: Why we need Trauma Informed Work Places click here

How To Do The Work - Dr. Nicole De Pera click here

The Body Keeps Score - Bessel Van De Kolk click here & here

What Happened to You - Oprah Winfrey & Dr. Bruce D. Perry click here

The Myth of Normal - Dr. Gabor Mate & Daniel Mate click here

Lost Connections - Dr. Johann Hari click here

The Wisdom of Trauma: Movie - Can our deepest pain be a doorway to healing? click here


Setting Boundaries Resources


7 transformations of Leadership